Guest Book .
  Guest Book

William Fielding.

Family Photo Album.

S.S South Western's details.

S.S South Western's crew list.

Ub-59's details.

Ub-59's war diary.

Jersey  roll of honour.

Merchant vessel losses 1914-18.

Lswr History.

Medals Page.

Wreath laying.

Memorial Databases.

Merchant Seamen lost at sea




My Award.

Webrings & sponsors.

Guest Book .



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To view or sign my guest book click on the links below the Merchant Navy Flag. I cannot accept responsibility for any comments in my Guest book, over the past month it has been spammed by various websites and i have no control over what is in or left in my Guest book. I have now had to delete my old guest book and will soon be adding the old guestbook onto another page for your viewing. Hopefully the new guestbook host i am now using will be alot better at stopping the guestbook spam.

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I would like to thank every one who has helped me with my research and sent me information, i cant name you all, but without your kind help and advice this Tribute page would not have been possible.
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